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Room Air Leakage Test

Room Air Leakage Test / Blower Door Test: Room Air leakage test Singapore. We are Singapore based room air leakage test company or blower door testing company. We also serve customers from Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar etc. If you are looking for air leakage testing services in Singapore, our Engineers will be there to attend to your needs.


Room Air Leakage Test / Blower Door Test: Room Air leakage test Singapore. We are Singapore based room air leakage test company or blower door testing company. We also serve customers from Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar etc. If you are looking for air leakage testing services in Singapore, our Engineers will be there to attend to your needs.

Room Air Leakage Test or Blower doors consist frames to fit in the entrance door, a variable-speed fan, pressure gauge with tubings etc. A Blower Door fan mounts onto the entrance of the room. The fan pushes air into the room, increasing the air pressure inside. The higher air pressure in the room then leaks in through all unsealed cracks and openings. To measure the volume of air, a manometer is connected to the fan and includes reference hoses inside and outside of the room that monitor airflow and pressure. The manometer measures airflow at cubic feet per minute reading (CFM) measured at 50 Pascal’s. Using this number and the volume of the room, we can calculate the leakage rate.

The metric used to measure the leakiness of a room is Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM), often measured at 50 Pascal (CFM50) or 75 Pascal. We follow the following standards in Singapore

  • The US Army Corps of Engineers requires all new buildings to meet an airtightness  standard of 0.25 CFM per square foot of surface area at 75 Pascals.
  • The New York state energy code suggest that new apartments, when testing individual units, meet an airtightness  standard of 0.30 CFM per square foot of surface area at 50 Pascals

It is widely accepted throughout the industry that anything less than 0.30 CFM per square foot of surface area at 50 Pascalsis considered to be air tight.

Air Leakage in Room

Air leaking through the building envelope wastes energy and increases electricity bills. If you have a leak in the building, you are losing the cooled air and indoor temperature may not reach required air temperature, thus creates uncomfortable in occupied space.

In addition, when the building is under negative pressure, hot and humid outdoor air may enter into the building via the gaps in building envelops. The Air Handling Unit (AHU) have to work harder to cool down the infiltered warm air.

Our engineers can identify the source of air leaks and can also provide solutions to fix the air leaks.

Contact us to schedule a Room Air Leakage Test or blower door test today.


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